Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gjalerbron 2

Reckir entered the meeting hall of Westguard Keep, saluting to Captain Adams and a polite nod to the Priest and the Captain's Advisor.

"How did it go in Gjalerbron, soldier?" the dwarf asked, his back turned to the warrior.

"The mission went according to plan... but there were some unsettling discoveries." Reckir answered, "The Scourge are working with the Vrykul and plan on attacking our Keep right as we speak... they have a Frost Wyrm."

A hushed silence fell upon the hall, broken only by the outburst from Captain Adams' advisor, Mage-Lieutenant Malister, "A FROST-WYRM!?"

Reckir nodded gravely before pulling out a piece of parchment. "I managed to acquire their battle plans, including how they plan to use this Frost Wyrm, Glacion."

"Let us see the plans, boy." Adams demanded, holding out a mailed fist.

Reckir handed over the plans obediently with one hand, his other holding his helm at his side.

The four of them discussed details of Gjalerbron and the Scourge occupation for the next several hours. Once finished, Father Levariol motioned to an open door with his staff. "Accompanying you on this mission will be a Paladin of our Order, and one you should be quite familiar with."

Reckir stared at the open door quietly, and nodded grimly as his fears are answered. The Paladin in question was his younger brother, Wilmarth. A powerful warrior of the Light, but no brother wishes to see their sibling in danger.

"Good to see the Wastes treating you well, brother." Wilmarth said with a smile, saluting Reckir.

Reckir returned the salute sharply, "Let's get to business then."


After a swift ride on horseback, the brothers arrived at Gjalerbron, at the base of the stairs leading into the center of the town. "The Scourge's taint is strong here..." Wilmarth muttered quietly, "I'll take the Catacombs to follow the Father's orders. You--"

"I know. I've got a Wyrm to deal with." Reckir snarled out. Staring hatefully up the stairs.

Wilmarth nodded briefly at Reckir before rushing towards the entrance to the catacombs beneath Gjalerbron.

"Wil." Reckir called out.

Wilmarth stopped in his tracks to turn and face his brother.

"Don't die." Reckir said as he readied his axe.

Wilmarth gave a nod before dissapearing into the Catacombs.

Reckir rushed up the stairs and out into the elevated courtyard, surprised at the little resistance he had seen so far. Overhead the Wyrm Glacion flew, seemingly unaware of his presence. He heard the sound of ice crashing on a platform to the north. After checking the plans, he saw that this was the platform where Wyrmcaller Vile controlled the Wyrm. Hefting his axe, he rushed up the stairs, cutting down the Scourge minions that stood guard on the staircase.

Once on the platform, the Vrykul mage known as Wyrmcaller Vile stood surrounded by a blizzard. Slung to his belt was a horn fashioned of bone and ice, which Reckir could only assume was the device described in the plans that could summon back Glacion.

Roaring a battle cry, Reckir charged into the blizzard, swinging his axe wildly. Vile snarled in response and flung bolts of Ice at the warrior. The ice broke uselessly off of his armor, only striking glancing blows. With a splatter, Vile fell to the ground in two pieces, Reckir's axe striking true. The blizzard immediately died around him, leaving him in eerie silence on the platform.

Taking the horn from the corpse, he wiped off the mouthpiece as he took a deep breath and blew the horn. A terrifying roar answered him as Glacion descended upon the platform, screaming at the warrior. Hefting his axe, Reckir answered with a cry of his own as he and the Wrym exchanged violent blows.

In the end, the Wyrm fell. As Reckir walked to the edge of the platform, he saw his second target. The ringleader behind the whole operation... Mezhen. Reckir glances over the edge, and, with a running start he leaped over the edge, landing in the snow and causing the white powder to rise around him. Standing to his full height he crossed the courtyard with a sprint, climbing up the stairs to the opposing platform.

Tired from his stunt, he stood panting atop the platform where a group of Necro Lords, led by Mezhen, stood circled around a crystal, chanting and channeling their energies. After readying his axe, he charged into the group, cutting down the Scourge minions around him. Mezhen screamed furiously, "You fool! I won't let you destroy that which I've worked so hard for!" as he readied his magics to unleash upon the warrior.

As Reckir raised his axe to finish off the warlock, a blast of necrotic energy hit him in the chest, knocking him back onto the center of the grate. Reckir struggled to get to his feet as Mezhen taunted him with a painful demise.

Yet just then, a warmth filled Reckir that seemed to repel Mezhen. Glancing around in shock, Reckir looked to see who his rescuer was. "Strike him down now, you idiot!" a voice called from below.

Reckir looked through the grate beneath him to see Wilmarth casting his healing energies upon Reckir, a pile of scourge corpses littered about the Paladin. Reckir nodded, sweat dripping off of his brow as he lifted his axe and swung it at the exposed neck of the bearded villain.

As the severed head hit the ground, Reckir turned to smash the grate open with his Axe. Once an opening was made, he tossed a rope down for Wilmarth to climb to the surface. After exchanging thanks, Reckir noticed a parchment clutched in the Necromancers hand. Scooping it up, the brothers soon realized that the Queen of the Vrykul, Queen Angerboda was attempting to awaken her King, King Ymiron, in the main structure of Gjalerbron.

Gathering their wits, the brothers fought their way through Gjalerbron until finally reaching the entrance to the chamber where Queen Angerboda was attemption to awaken King Ymiron. Blood-stained and tired, they entered to see the Queen combining her energies with three Necro Lords as they circled King Ymiron. The King floated in the air, his eyes closed in slumber.

Roaring their individual battle cries, the brothers charged into the hall and struck down the Queen. As her dying cry rang out, the energy she was unleashing backfired and struck dead the Necro Lords, causing the King to descend to his feet. As King Ymiron awakened, he saw the brothers standing over the fresh corpse of his beloved Queen, and roared in his fury. Just then, a shadowy figure emerged between them, facing the King.

It was the Lich King.

The Lich King yelled: Not yet, Ymiron, I have other plans for you. You will serve me better within Utgarde Pinnacle. And if these insects survive to find you again, you will get the chance to avenge your wife.

Within seconds, the shadowy avatar of the Lich King and King Ymiron faded from sight.


Reckir stood alone on the balcony of the Inn at Westguard Keep, the events of the day fresh in his mind. Wilmarth and he had reported their findings to Captain Adams, who was shocked, but resolute. Given the next few days to rest, the brothers parted ways. Reckir stayed in the Howling Fjord at Westguard, while his brother sailed back to Stormwind.

Reckir slammed his fist into a wooden pillar a wave of rage coming over him.


NOTE: The characters Reckir and Wilmarth are original. However, the events are an interpretation of the events that occur while playing through World of WarCraft. Some dialogue and manuscripts are taken directly from the game. (If not modified slightly).

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